We are providing this information to you to serve as a guide through your pre- and post-op process. Your particular journey may involve many or none of these steps. At UNOVA Hip & Knee Center, we strive to personalize each patient experience, we understand that every patient we encounter is an individual with unique concerns. This content is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition, those decisions should only be made after consultation with your treating surgeon and primary care physician.
At UNOVA Hip & Knee Center, although we believe every patient is unique, there are a few HARD STOP RULES that we must abide by before we can undertake your surgery. These rules exist to ensure your safety and to give us the best opportunity to help you achieve your desired outcome with the lowest possible chance of encountering a complication. THE PARAMETERS LINKED TO HARD STOPS ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE.
There are a few general health issues and medical conditions that give us greater concern and as such these must be dealt with prior to your being scheduled for surgery.
If you are overweight, this can have a significant impact on your post-operative complication risk. There are many ways to approach this issue since your safety is our primary concern. Studies have shown that people with a body mass index (BMI) less than or equal to 40, tend to have lower post-operative complications than patients with a BMI greater than 40. That being said, there is ample proof that decreasing your body weight by 5-10% leads to measurable health benefits. We will strive to get your BMI as close to 40 as possible, but our main goal is to achieve this 5–10% weight loss. This is 10–20lbs for a patient weighing 200lbs. We will assist you with a 12-week wellness, nutrition, and exercise program to accomplish this. It will involve coaching on nutrition and exercise.
Our goal is not to involve you in a crash diet to get your weight down, but instead to help you develop habits that last you a lifetime. We recognize the difficulty of dealing with this issue and our goal is to work with you through the process.